Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why not use Fabric Bags?

Hi Friends, Internet connectivity was removed from my office guest house - so couldn't spend time in blogger. Also busy days with loads of work ;o)
Anyways – Just came across an interesting article on paper bags... thought to share with you people.

Many prefer paper bags as opposed to plastic, and believe that they are already having a clear eco-conscience.
Unfortunately they could not be further from the truth.
Studies by the “Society of Plastics Industry”, show that manufacturing a paper shopping bag uses more than four times the amount of energy as is used in the manufacture of plastic bags and when it comes to recycling, it takes nearly 100 times the energy to recycle paper as it does plastic. So it’s pretty clear that paper bags are not energy efficient.
However it doesn’t stop there, most paper comes from tree pulp and most of it still ends up in landfill, where because of the lack of oxygen it takes decades to decay and all of the many chemicals used in its manufacture leach out into the water table.

Millions of trees are cut down every year just to produce paper, trees that would otherwise be soaking up the Carbon Dioxide that we are emitting, from making and recycling Paper bags… there is something wrong with this equation.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to buy an attractive and durable fabric bag and use it again and again?